
Showing posts from 2011

Incremening DataTable values using DP

If you ever came across a situation in which you need to login into the application and do separate steps than you might be interested in this post. One way to do so is to change action properties and change it to run on all rows, but that will be executing when it completes 1 cycle. what i will be doing here is, dealing with nested actions, a main action will be calling another actions. For example you have a login action and one more action that selects one of the three options on the basis of login id. So you login the system three times every time with a different id. Create a global sheet paramenter runCount that will stores login count and another parameter currecntCount that will select the option. Its always a good practice to create a main action that calls other actions. So the main action will look like this. ''''''Initialize a variable ''''''Set runCount = 1 in datatable i = DataTable("runCount",dtGlobalShe...

All about Dates using QTP

Majority of applications have Calendars controls. Automating a calendar can be painful at times if the textbox is disabled, and it only works if you select the date from the calendar widget provided on your website/application. I have been working on date controls for couple of months so thought about sharing all the findings with you people. So here i am summarizing some of the checks which can be handy working on date/Calendar controls. '''''' '''''' Compare start and End date For comparing end date validation, set today's date using Date function in start date textbox and set previous date in end date, and check if the validation is fired.   '''''startdate - set as todays date using 'date' Browser("").Page("").WebEdit("").Set Date '''''End date, set prev 5 days date Browser("").Page("").WebEdit("").Set DateAdd(...

QTP Parameterization (all types)

The what?   Parameterization is a process in which you can pass multiple sets of data, variables to remove hard coded values. For example, if you need to check ten login credentials if they are valid or not, worst approach to be adapted by you will be executing the code ten times, problem redundancy and wrong approach. Alternatively you can just pass values in the datatable (Excel like sheet provided in QTP). so you can test multiple set of data in one action or call. The ways? There are three ways to parameterize your data using QTP. Using Datatable (Global or Action specific)   Using environmental variables (User defined, Built-in)   Using Random (built-in function) 1. Using DataTable Datatable values can be used in two ways. Either using Global sheet or Action specific sheet. Global sheet as the name says allows acess throughout your test, across functions or actions, the data (columns) declared here can be used globally within the test. Syntax is given below ...

Passing Long Integers from datatable using CDbl

You might have wanted to pass long integers like from 10 - 13 digits and every time you execute your code, QTP datatable changes your integer value into some scientific value containing plus(+) and decimal signs. Changing the column 'Format' does not seems to be beneficial. (At least not for me). For example if you have tried automating a payment form that takes in credit card number and other details, you might have came across this problem. So here i will be telling you about some very useful build-in functions that can help in this error. Executing the code below will give you an error of invalid input as the value in your datatable will be something like 1.111111111E+111. Browser("name:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebEdit("html id:=some id").Set DataTable("CardNumber",dtGlobalSheet) Changing column format to Fixed, Custom or any other will give you following error 'The parameter is incorrect' So let us play with some variables...

Learn 'how to code'

So today I was just reading and going through the tech news and I found out an extremely cool and interactive website that helps people to 'how to code'. So here i am presenting a review for the pretty pretty site I loved :). This site is for all those tech and geeky fellows out there who loves coding or wish to seek career in development. The site is called Codecademy , presented by Zach and Ryan. It’s a startup, a global hit indeed which just raised a 2.5 Million funding , which teaches you how to code in lessons form. A user is presented with an editor in which he is guided with step by step programming courses. On clearing some steps he is transferred to next step, a next lesson, he is also presented with virtual rewards and badges. After clearing and learning basic programming concepts he is then taught with JavaScript concepts. Codeacademy Home page The site is open for all, to post and share different programming lessons. Available topics are JavaScript, Python, Ruby...

Download and Save an Excel Sheet using QTP

During automation we might have came across scenarios which requires selecting group of data and downloading an Excel file and then save it on a particular location. Automating Excel sheets requires correct steps to follow. At first you have to create an Excel object and then to save, you have to choose a dynamic location and it should not be machine dependent. So here i am presenting a quick function that serves the discussed purpose. Step 1. Make a vbs file i.e open notepad copy the below code and save it with a .vbs extension. [Name].[vbs]. Step 2 . Add the function in QTP resources. Browse file > Settings > Resources tab. Step 3 Now Call the function in your code where required. Use keyword 'Call' ''''''Function initializing Public Function ExcelExport() ''''''Check excel button existence If (Browser("name:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebButton("html id:=some ID").Exist(1)) the...

Get and Compare Runtime URLs using QTP

This article will help you in getting the run-time URL of your website and comparing with user defined i.e from datatable, if that is correct it logs into the application otherwise exits the application When you are automating your application using QTP, you might have to deal with multiple URLs, i.e. if your application is deployed on multiple Servers / Environments, every time you run your script, it has to be configured with correct credentials. Here is a quick function that can be applicable in all such conditions. Make a VBS file. Open notepad, copy the below code and save the file with .vbs extension, Now provide login credentials, i.e. username and password in your datatable and Call the function we just made. '''''Function Declaration Public Function FunctionName()  '''''Gets the runtime URL and assign the value in the variable browserURL=Browser("title:=page title").Page("url:=page url").GetROProperty("URL...

Top 5 Google Product Reviews

Google has engaged itself to roll out many cool and amazing releases this year by providing user with a better,easy and faster experience to stay connected and search even more accurate. Here I will be discussing some very useful and effective releases in forms of tools, apps, plug-in and many more that are been launched up til now. +1 the pretty cool recommendation tool While using your Google account, you must have noticed a small icon having + along with a 1 with it. This is Google’s new search capability shorthand as “this is pretty cool”, which provides user with much appropriate and quicker result. It works in a social way by that I mean it takes recommendations from your own people, friends, family, coworkers, and people in your contact list and display you list of recommended results. To recommend just click on +1 on any webpage or ads you browsed. One just needs to have an upgraded Google profile to enjoy this new search experience. This surely results to be very useful for t...

An Easy Quicky start to HP's Qucik Test Professional (QTP)

For a long time I have been working on HP's Quick Test Professional abbreviated as QTP which is HP's or Mercury ( HP bought Mercury) product. It is a graphical interface record-playback automation tool used for Automated functional testing for desktop,Web ActiveX controls, and Visual Basic applications. This is a great software and I would be recommending all the testers and Quality assurances to have their hands on this software. You can also Google to find millions of articles based on QTP. So here today i will be presenting some very basic learning lessons for the newbies which I have experienced so far while using this fabulous,rich and huge automated testing giant (Apologies to the other automated software's, this is purely an individual opinion). First of all let us have a look at the Interface (The window) and gets familiar.Below is a screen shot depicting the window along with the descriptions. QTP works on Actions, your activity is recorded or scripted in a defau...