
Showing posts with the label saas testing

Complete guide to cloud based SAAS application and how to test them

We use online services on a daily basis. It can be as small as sending an MMS, reading an email, listening to music, playing a game, etc. All these online services are possible because of cloud computing services. Today’s topic is all about knowing SaaS applications and how we can test these types of applications. But before learning about SaaS applications, we need to know what cloud computing is. Let’s get started. What is a cloud service? Cloud service or cloud computing means all the services i.e. the servers, storage, databases, network, application, reporting, etc. of an application are hosted over the internet. The companies which offer cloud computing are referred to as cloud providers. What can be done by Cloud computing? Following tasks can be accomplished via cloud computing: Create new apps & services Store/back up data In case of disaster, recovering the data Deploy applications Video , audio streaming Analyze data Type of Cloud Computing services There are 3 types of ...