
Showing posts with the label software industry

Girls who CODE

I have been working in Software industry for about three years now. From the time I have been engaged in this industry, I have encountered men (no hard feelings) who discourages and thinks girls cannot be good developer(s). Is it??? Nahh not for me, for I believe that girls can be very good developers, I’ve met a lot of excellent female developers at work. Not denying the fact that guys can be technically more mature. But that does not make the girls less technical. They can be better specially when talking about the esthetics and User interfaces (UI). Mostly a guy’s main focus / point of concentration is towards the logic / underlying business and not on UI. And this is what I call totally opposite from what a Client thinks and wants. Being a quality engineer, I have met clients whose first impression are set on the UI more rather than how it will be functioning. Well this topic can lead to a big discussion so I will zip it here, what I will be posting today is a very interesting ...