How to open Loadrunner analysis results on a 64 bit machine

A lot of you must have been facing issues when your Loadrunner software is installed on a 64 bit operating system. Here I am primarily focusing on loadrunner earlier versions i.e. 9.5 which does not support 64 bit architecture. The VuGen and Analysis specifically will not be working at all. If you have successfully passed the load, your results will not be opened and you might experience the following error: LR Analysis Error So after some random googling and experimenting I came around with a fix. But for that you need to have 2 versions of loadrunner. One earlier version which you have been using like 9.5 and one latest version i.e 12. So lets follow the below steps to open your load test results: First of all create your script in the LR 12 version. (you will not be able to create script in LR 9.5 installed on a 64 bit OS, IE will not be launched.) After the script has been successfully made and replayed, save the script. Copy and place the folder in your 9...